Date: Thursday October 9th, Friday October 10th, Saturday October 11th, and Sunday October 12th 2024 Venue: Brown State Fishing Lake, Brown County, Kansas Organizers: Kansas City Carp Anglers Sponsors: Anglers Entry Fees: $600 to be paid in full prior to the start of the anglers safety meeting, 50% deposit ($300) required to reserve your team spot on the roster. No refunds of deposit will be issued after August 1st, 2025 unless tournament spots can be filled. Tournament Format: Biggest 4 fish weighed (top 4 fish officially weighed for each angler/team) from opening whistle to closing. 1: This is a catch and release only tournament, all fish must be released back into the waters in which they were caught unharmed and alive. Any fish not released alive will be disqualified from scoring. In the event that a fish is to be kept until daylight for photography purposes it must be kept in an approved keep sack or swim sling and then released alive in witness of tournament director/marshals to be officially scored, this is at the angler/teams discretion. Any fish found to be snagged or otherwise not ethically caught (hooked in the mouth or not more than2 inches from the mouth will define an ethical catch) will not be allowed to be scored. Anglers/teams will need to provide a well-padded unhooking mat, and a soft, knotless mesh “fish friendly” landing net of the appropriate size. Keep sacks are not required but heavily recommended and encouraged. All tournament director decisions will be final regarding proper handling and fish care when related to "scorable" fish. 2: This is a big 4 format. The angler/team with the highest overall weight at the end of the tournament will be declared the winner, second highest will be second, and so on. An angler/team is not required to score 4 fish to qualify for final scoring although only largest 4 of all fish caught and officially weighed will be allowed for scoring 3: All anglers participating in fishing in any way must possess a valid Kansas fishing license and 3rd pole permit if they intend to use three poles and lines. All local and state regulations will apply to the use of the area and during fishing. 4: Anglers/teams may consist of only 1 but not more than 2 individuals. Anglers/teams may use no more than 3 rods and lines with 1 single point hook rigged in a “European style ”. Hooks are not to exceed size 2. The use of treble or double point hooks, anglers/teams found to be fishing with more than 3 rods, or anglers/teams found to be fishing or attempting to fish in an unsportsmanlike way will result in the immediate disqualification of the angler/team. Only cyprinus carpio will be allowed to be scored, this includes common carp, mirror carp and koi. 5: Official time will be kept by the tournament director and the starting/ending whistle will be signified in a way that all anglers will be immediately aware of it. Absolutely no lines with hooks attached will be allowed prior to start whistle, no fish hooked after end whistle will be allowed to be scored, although fish hooked and reported "on '' will be allowed to be scored should they be landed and handled as per tournament rules. The casting of a spod/spom, spreading of bait, and or the use of bait boats will be allowed prior to the start of the tournament but the lines being used may not contain a hook of any kind. No water may be broken in any way 15 days prior to finalization of the prefishing safety meeting or that angler/team will be disqualified. 6: Bait boats, drones or any other electronic bait delivery devices may only be used for the purpose of prebaiting/baiting and/or the use of an electronic fish finder device i.e. Deeper, Garmin or similar. Bait boats, drones, or other electronic bait delivery devices may not be used to deliver any form of baited line. All hook baits and baited lines must be cast out in a traditional manner and can not be "delivered" via an electronic or remote controlled device. Those found using any form of an electronic bait delivery device to deliver a baited line in any fashion will be immediately disqualified. 7: All fish must be inspected and officially weighed by the tournament director or marshals to be scored. It will be determined at the directors/marshals discretion if the fish was caught and handled under the rules of this tournament. 8: Only the paid tournament anglers/teams may participate in hooking, fighting, or landing of fish. Any fish that is brought to a net with the aid of a spectator, marshal, or any other outside help other than a registered and paid tournament participant will be disallowed and deemed as "not scorable". Listed tournament payout based upon full entry of 12 teams/anglers. Entry limited to 12 teams/anglers. 9: Communication can be made via 2 way radios provided to you by the tournament director and marshals or via cell phone should the radio be inoperative. A list of cell phone numbers is provided at the end of this rule sheet. 10: Weather delays or cancellations will be made by the tournament director and marshals based upon the best available information and used to provide the best experience for our anglers while keeping safety for the anglers and marshals at the forefront. All decisions to cancel or postpone fishing due to safety and made by the tournament director and marshals will be final. Decisions made by anglers/teams to postpone fishing or leave are not grounds for a refund of entry fees if the director and marshals deem the conditions to not be a safety hazard. 11: Angler safety and fish retrieval - As anglers interested in conservation of quality carp as a sport fish we take carp care and the safe landing of every fish hooked very seriously. We must take Angler safety as a number 1 priority even over the safety of our fish. Anglers will not be permitted to enter the water deeper than belly button deep, or no more than 12 feet off of solid bank in the retrieval of a hooked fish. Any further than 12 feet or any deeper than the belly button will not be deemed scorable. Determination to be made by tournament directors and or marshals. Due to USCG regulations the use of boats large enough to convey a person will not be allowed for tournament use in any way. 12: Local regulations do not allow the cutting or clearing of standing vegetation or trees. No angler/team will be allowed to modify their "swim" in such a manner. Doing so will result in the immediate disqualification of the angler/team. 13: All anglers must be present at pre-tournament angler safety briefing, which will be held on Thursday October 9th at 0700 Central Standard Time, and sign in to be qualified to participate. All anglers must also be present at the awards meeting and closing to receive prizes, which will be held on Sunday October 12th immediately following the tournament. Anyone not present at the awards meeting will forfeit their prizes to the next angler in place. 14: Tournament staff reserves the right to use photographs, and/or video footage of anglers/teams and event happenings for any marketing purposes and/or media/social media as they see fit.Initials for media release 1_____________ 2_____________ 15: All anglers/teams must sign these rules in person at registration on October 9th at 0700 and in doing so agree to abide by them and that decisions made regarding these rules by the tournament director and/or marshals are final and cannot be disputed or reversed. Disqualification will result in the forfeiture of any and all prizes a team may have qualified for and forfeiture of entry fee. Angler 1 Printed_____________________________ Signed_______________________________ Date_____________ Angler 2 Printed______________________________ Signed_______________________________ Date_____________ Witness Printed______________________________ Signed_______________________________ Payout 1st place overall: $3,000 2nd place overall: $1,500 3rd place overall: $750Big fish side pot: $75 entry ******In the event of a tie the winner will be decided by a single round of rock paper scissors played by one delegate from each team.******* Please send deposit / entry fee via Paypal to . Please put team name and shirt sizes in comments.
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